15 Things No Mom Would Ever Say


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15 Things No Mom Would Ever Say
Score: 4.8 / 6
Category: Funny

Of course sou can sit on your brother!
Ahh... I feel so well rested and relaxed and put together!
Please barge in and tell me what your sister did to you while I am going to the bathroom!
Think I got too much sleep last night.
I really enjoy taking my three kids, 4 and under, grocery shopping with me!!
I can understand you so much better when you're whining.
Yes, please go ahead and make an even bigger mess... I love picking up everybody else's stuff.
My floors!?... They're so clean!
Please lick the toilet seat!
That temper tantrum you just had totally changed my mind! We'll do it your way instead!
My life hasn't changed at all since I had these children!
Go play in the cat litter!
You can never have enough sugar
Oh goody! It's a Dora marathon!
I quit.

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