Getting sick sucks in America.


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Getting sick sucks in America.
Score: 4.8 / 6
Category: Lifestyle

So on October 1 st of this year I woke up whh an excruciating pain in my lower abdomen. Turns out it was appendicitis. So after about a 24 hour stay in the hospital I was free to go. This was the bill I received earlier this month. The cover page of sorts. You can see the original total up at the top. Thankfully I was still on my dad's insurance for another month or so. $55,029.31 would have been way too much for me to pay on my own. Then again $11,119.53 is still a ton at this time in my life. The services I received. I think you can see how outrageous some of these costs are. Such as the Recovery Room that I was in for maybe two hours. Or the Room and Board that I had for one night. Or maybe the $4,500 worth of anesthesia they supposedly used on me. The rest of the services. $ 16,000 for the actual surgery. I never truly understood how much healthcare in the US costs until this happened. I'm a 20 year old guy. Thought other people should see this to get a real idea of how much an unpreventable illness costs in the US.

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